The Born of Indonesian Ideology
            Indonesia’s ideology known as ‘Pancasila’ is a views of life for Indonesia. The function of Pancasila is for making a safe and secure country. The basic word of Pancasila are ‘Panca’ and ‘Sila’. ‘Panca’ in Sansekerta means five and ‘Sila’ means point. So, Pancasila means five points of ideology.
            The born of Pancasila began by the making of BPUPKI (Investigating Committee For Preparatory Work For Independence). BPUPKI was founded on April 29th 1945. The purpose of BPUPKI is for discussing matters relating to Indonesian governance including the country’s foundation.  BPUPKI held 3 meetings. The first meeting held on May 29th 1945 until June 1st 1945. This meeting was lead by Dr Radjiman Widyodiningrat. There were three speakers who gave their ideas.
            The first speaker was Mohammad Yamin on May 29th 1945. He suggested 5 points for their ideology. They are :
1. Peri Kebangsaan
2. Peri Kemanusiaan
3. Peri Ketuhanan
4. Peri Kerakyatan
5. Kesejahteraan Rakyat
            The second speaker was Soepomo on May 31st 1945. He suggested 5 points for their ideology. They are:
1. Persatuan
2. Kekeluargaan
3. Keseimbangan lahir dan batin
4. Musyawarah
5. Keadilan rakyat
            The third speaker was Ir. Soekarno on June 1st 1945. He suggested 5 points for their ideology. They are:
1. Kebangsaan Indonesia
2. Internasionalisme/Peri kemanusiaan
3. Mufakat/demokrasi
4. Kesejahteraan sosial
5. Ketuhanan yang berkebudayaan
Soekarno suggested the name of the Ideology. It was ‘Pancasila’. ‘Panca’ means five and ‘Sila’ means points. Soekarno suggested this name because all of the speakers suggested 5 points.
All of their ideas were collected and was discussed with Panitia Sembilan. Panitia Sembilan is a part of BPUPKI in a smaller scale. This group had 9 members. They are Ir.Soekarno, Drs.Moh.Hatta, Mr. Achmad Soebarjo, Mr. Mohammad Yamin, Haji Agus Salim, K.H.Wachid Hasyim, Abdoel Kahar Moezakir, and Abikoesno Tjokrosoejoso.
This group successed for making the script of Rancangan Pembukaan UUD known as Jakarta Charter. The point of this Jakarta Charter are:
1. Ketuhanan dengan kewajiban menjalankan syariat islam bagi pemeluk-pemeluknya
2. Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab
3. Persatuan Indonesia
4. Kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmat kebijaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan/ perwakilan
5. Keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia.
For discussing about Jakarta Charter, BPUPKI held the second meeting. The result of second meeting were: first, about deal of Indonesia’s ideology (Pancasila) which is included in Jakarta Charter. Second, about Indonesia’s government which declared as a republic. Third, the deal about territory of Indonesia including Hindia Belanda,Timor timur until Malaka. And the last one was the making of three small comittees.
Finally on August,17th 1945 Indonesia declare its independence. One day after the independence, BPUPKI was replaced by PPKI(Prepaaratory Committee for Indonesian Independence). PPKI held meeting on August 18th 1945. In this meeting, they discussed about Indonesia’s ideology. The name of this ideology was Pancasila. The ffirst point of pancasila was changed from “Ketuhanan dengan kewajiban menjalankan syariat islam bagi pemeluk-pemeluknya” to “Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa” because there’s a protest from east Indonesia who weren’t muslim. So, the point of pancasila were:
1. Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa
2. Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab
3. Persatuan Indonesia
4. Kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmat kebijaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan/perwakilan
5. Keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia
That’s all about The born of Indonesia’s ideology or known as ‘Pancasila’. From above we can knew how hard it is to make Pancasila. That’s why we have to apply the point of Pancasila in our life.


romadecade. (2019). Sejarah Pancasila, serta Lahirnya sebagai Dasar Negara Indonesia. 1.
wikipedia. (2019). Investigating Comittee for Preparatory Work for Independence. 1.

wikipedia. (2019). Preparatory Comittee for Indonesian Independence. 1.



  1. "All of their ideas collected and will be discussed " --> All of their ideas were collected and was discussed.

    Please include the infographic timeline


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