Hasil gambar untuk cougar

Classification :
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum: hordata
Class : Mammalia
Oder : Carnivora
Suborder : Feliformia
Family : Felidae
Subfamily : Felinae
Genus : Puma
Species : Puma concolor

          The Cougar or also referred as a puma,mountain lion is the second largest cat in North America. Unlike other big cats, the couger cant roar. Instead, they purrs like a house cats.
          Cougars also have similiar body types to house cats.only on a larger scale. They have slender bodies and round heads with pointed ears. They vary between 1.5-2.7 m(5-9 ft) from head to to tail. While males can weigh up to 68 kg(150lb), females weigh less, nearly 45 kg(100 lb).The coat of cougar is a grayish tan to reddish color with lighter parts on the underside. The tail has a black spot on the end.
      Inhabiting various ecosystems from mountains to deserts to sea-level, the cougar’s established range includes western North America, a small region in Florida, and most of South America. They make their home anywhere that there is shelter and prey.
      Generally they prey on deer but also feed on smaller animals , including livestock. Cougars have even been known to eat insects. Skilled and cunning hunters, cougars stay hidden from their prey until they can pounce with claws out-stretched. Cougars can also climb with ease and leap over 6 m (20 ft.). After killing a large animal, a cougar hides the carcass and eats in the coming days.
      During most of their lives, cougars are solitary creatures. They interact only to mate, which can happen at any time of year. Females can breed as early as 2-3 years old and give birth to 2-3 kittens at a time. They raise the young while the males return to their solitary lifestyles.
       At around two years old, cougar offspring will leave their mother to start their own life. Some travel far to establish their own territory as cougars need a lot of room to roam. A healthy cougar in the wild can live to around 10 years of age. In captivity, cougars can live as long as 20 years.


1. What is their food?
2. Where the cougars stay?
3. How many kitten that a female cougars can give birth to?
4. How long usually cougars live?
5. Why cougars is called solitary creature?


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