- Anindia Nazla Kusumaputri (Pro)
- Diva Nauli Maharani (Pro)
- Senia Siti Zulfah (Kontra)
- Syilla Allika Widyanti (Kontra)
TOPIC : Cell Phones Should Be Allowed In School

It should be allowed to use cell phones at school as if there is an emergency case that parents can easily notify their children. It should not be allowed to be used during class but during breaks it must be permitted. Besides this if they have to stay in school after school time is finished for all types of preparation they can notify their parents.

I think that the students should be allowed to bring cell phones as long as they don’t disrupt class or distract themselves and not pay attention due to the phone, if that happens the teachers can just confiscate it and tell that particular student that he/she may not be able to bring a cellphone to school. I think students should have the right of bringing a cellphone to school because its theirs. They have responsibility. if they dont cause trouble with it i think they should be allowed because also it is really convenient for emergencies and also the school phones might be out or they might not have access to one so it think bringing a cell phone is handy. Therefore cellphones should be allowed.

We are living in the twetny first century, people have to recognize that we are getting more into technology and getting rid of paper and pencil. Electronics are moving there way into our lives and theres nothing we can od to stop it. Using technology in class is definetly a yes. There’s so much more you can do when using things like cellphones and other electronic devices. Yes students will be off task sometimes but they wil still get there work done. Over all I tihnk that elctronic devices should be aloud in schools for educaitonal reasons

It is not the knowledge / reporting of these crimes that needs to be drawn to a halt but their perpetration. Kids will be bullied and harassed with or without cell phones

First of all why cell phones shouldn’t be allowed in school is because it’ll disturb other student who are studying including the one who bring the phone. not only other student but also the teacher. the teacher will feel like she/he is abondened by students. what can this country do if just a student cant respect their teachers? 

Second, it’ll grow into individualism. because as we know these days, millenials prefer to be active in social media, not in their real life. when schoolhood is a time that you have to spent well playing with your friends , millenials had nothing from it. why? because their gadget is their friends. 

this problem will lead to many other problems. 
when you are addicted to social media, then you post something that shouldnt be posted or you say something that shouldnt be said, other people will judge you no matter whats your reasons. Then this things will lead to insecurity,depression, and the worst case is suicide. 

Also addition from the first statement, cell phones shouldnt be allowed in school because it can be used for cheating. if this situation not followed up by us, then whats the use of school? school is a place where we are learning also build up our character. if school keep allowed the student to bring their phones and cheating is a common thing, then whats the different being a student or not?
There’s a survey in australia if cellphones should be allowed or not in school, and the result shows that 80% of australian agree that cellphones shouldnt be allowed in school.

And last, if cellphones allowed in school it’ll increase criminal cases. In real life or in social media. In real life, as we know there are many teenagers even kindergarten students who have an expensive phones. of course criminal will always find a way to get it. not only their phones that will disappear but it might be their lives in danger. it also happened in social media. such as cyber bullying.


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